Friday, April 30, 2010

Titan and Sunshine

Titan my toy boy playing with the new puppy, Sunshine. He is so gentle with her.

Monday, April 26, 2010

On a happier note

On a happier note I have a new blue baby girl thanks to my network of friends in Great Danes. I believe that when God closes a door he opens a window. I call her Colridge's Calif Sunshine girl at Kenyons cause out of the darkness sunshine came through when I saw her. So I believe that I was suppose to get her and to breed her to Eragon and that will be a wow litter of blues. Pricilla if you are reading this you have really got Sunshine spoiled. I cannot get out of her site or she cries. All of the dogs get along with her so that was good but Anij in her typically leave me alone growls at her if she junps up when she is on the couch.

Oh my Another sad story

My Saffiara is gone. She contracted Leptospirosis and it killed her kidneys.Some dogs can contract Lepto and their not be any signs at the time of infection. This is known as chronically infected and what happens is that the dog is not sick until the Lepto has killed off his kidneys and then their is nothing you can do. Some how Eragon and Saffaira got missed when shot time came around and I feel so quilty. It was a horrible experience. So if you live in the country make sure your dog gets a Lepto shot every year not every three years.Three years old is to old to lose your Dane and I was planning on breeding her this heat. Kitty

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Belize at Merced show

Belize looked good at the Merced dog show. She got second to Lovie who is a beautiful fawn bitch who is 4 months older than Belize. When I get older you had better watch out Lovie.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Merced Dog Show

Hi all Well Eragon did well at this show. He won Winners Dog and Best of Winners (means that the judge thought he was better than the girl who won ) at 2 of the 4 days. So he now has 9 points towards his Championship. He needs his two majors to complete that.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another Eragon win

Pictures of Eragon

As I said Eragon went winners dog 3 out of four shows at Handford. Here are some pictures and he is going to Merced at the beginning of this month.

Pictures of Eragon