Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Puppies 4 weeks old

dauby playing with pups

dauby (9 months old) loves to play with the puppies. She is very gentle with them and lets them crawl all over her.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Eragon bred Sunshine!!!!!!!!!!

Eragon bred Sunshine Nove 1,2011. So should be having a litter of blue pups end of December. I will pregnancy check end of November to verify she is pregnant. Both Eragon and Sunshine have passed all of their health checks- heart,thyroid, eyes and hips. If interested in a puppy please go to my website, and fill out a puppy questionnaire. Eragon at the nationals. Sunshine is the center dog in Motor Home picture.

dauby at Nationals

Dauby did very well at the nationals. She got a second in her class 7-9 mos in Futurity and got first in her class in the regular show. I was proud of her. You would have thought she was an old pro and not her second show and her first inside. And lots of nosie and people. What a show girl she is going to be.