Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sunshine had puppies

Well I guess you cannot count on those prenancy tests because Sunshine delivered 14 puppies Friday 12-30-2011. If you can believe it she had 12 girls and only 2 males so I hope some of you guys wanting males will take a girl instead or wait for the next litter in 6 months.She started labor at 4:20 PM and ended up about 3 Am on New years Eve. She was a pro and had no problems I never got one placenta away from her. The puppies sort of eased out with no warning and I had to look to see she delivered a puppy. She had them cleaned, umbilical cut before you could even get the puppy. She is such a good mom and I can hardly get her to go outside to go pee.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Good News I think Sunshine is pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not know why the pregnacy test was negaitve= maybe it was too early but Sunshine really looks pregnant to me She has no waist anymore and is eating anything she can get a hold of. So I hope I am right and have puppies at th new year. Kitty

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dauby 's picture from the Naional

Here is Dauby's win picture from the National

Sunshine not pregnant

Sorry everyone Sunshine is not pregnant. She got very sick when we came home from the national and all I can think of is that she absorbed the puppies as Eragon bred her 3 times and he is a proven stud. So sorry I hope I have better luck in 6 months.